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Wrap text with HTML in WordPress posts.

Page Developer

Searching for how to wrap text around a picture in your WordPress article or HTML document?

There are many times as a web master you’ll want to wrap text around a picture, or some other HTML element.  Most of the time, your CSS/XHTML template should be applying styles from within the CSS.

However, as a WordPress author and content developer, you’re going to want to wrap text around pictures, scripts, video, and a number of other possible HTML elements; and to do so directly in your published articles.

While adding an entry into your CSS file is the preferred method of accomplishing this, using style in a <div> tag and surrounding your content is another; and the syntax looks like this:

<div style="float:right; margin:0px 0px 0px 8px;">
		<img src="myPicture.jpg" alt="MyPicture"/>
<p>My text appears on the left side of the image</p>

Maria Austin